Hi everyone! It's time for September wallpapers already! 🥧 We're embracing darker and moodier shades this month to cozy up into the fall vibe. I did sprinkle a few lighter shades for our friends in the southern hemisphere, though!
This month, we have 19 different wallpapers in 3 font options, as well as the minimalist design in 3 colours! Monday and Sunday start included. Wallpapers are available for desktop, tablet, and phone.
I love resharing your wallpaper setups on Instagram, so don't forget to tag me in your posts/stories! :)
Love these wallpapers! I always try to update my monitor to have them as my background!
Omg we appreciate the love for the southern hemi girlies
Omg we appreciate the love for the southern hemi girlies
I am actually in love with ur wallpapers
These are amazing, thank you!!
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